Saturday 5 September 2009


Hey, s'up?

So I created this blog for 3 or 4 different reasons:

  • So that I'd have somewhere to rant about all the rant-worthy shit that happens in everyday life.
  • So that I'd have somewhere to post my thoughts on issues that are important to me. These issues usually involve religion, for no other reason other than my loathing for the practice.
  • So that I can share with people my artwork, my writing and my other interests.

Yeah, so that's 3, but I'm sure there are other reasons floating around in my head. I can't really be bothered to sit here for half an hour like a prat trying to think of a few more reasons.

To give a more detailed low-down on what you can expect from my blog, I'll actually be quite diverse in what I post. I plan to write A LOT of reviews for books and movies, and even games and music. Shit, I'll probably end up reviewing some artwork but I'm sure that'll bore the shit outta half of you. Fuck it, I'm doing it anyway.

Also, I'd love to get some serious discussions going. So if I post about a particular subject you have an opinion on- make sure to comment and reply to other people. Don't be put off by this first post by the way. I know it's simplisitic in language and whatever, but I'm actually somewhat well-spoken and will get serious in future. :D

Also, if you leave a comment I'll try my best to fly over and have a read, and hopefully join, your own personal blogs.